Serve the most disadvantaged, providing them with opportunities for change through education for children, and social assistance for the elderly and families.
We are committed to being a catalyst that promotes the lives of vulnerable people, using the tools of love, faith and hope.
When my mother came to the United States in 1990, she decided in her heart to help low-income children get an education and also help older people in need of food.
That was how my brother and I grew up, we saw how she was capable of doing extra jobs to collect money and be able to send it back home. It was part of our lives to share with others, including sharing our Christmas gifts that we received with a child who had no resources in Latin America and sending them with great emotion.
We have had the opportunity to dedicate our summer vacations to serve others, visiting nursing homes, distributing school supplies, assisting children in vulnerable need, visiting the sick, celebrating joyful afternoon with families, etc.
Countries we have assisted are: Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Peru. Each one of them have marked our life, with a smile, a thank you, a change for the better, a story they tell us and above all, with the satisfaction of having been able to help our neighbor.
We have done it out of love, we have done it as a family (my mother, brother and I), because we believe that only giving is how we receive. Now is the time for you to join us and make it big, by being part of a Basket of Change, because only by deciding to help is how we will make a better world.